EFT basic principals
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique – which is fairly self-explanatory.
EFT is a distant cousin of acupuncture, in that it uses tapping on the same meridian lines that are used in acupuncture, mixed with spoken affirmations.
The tapping is done at the same time as affirmation of the issue and a ‘self loving’ statement.
EFT is fairly unique in that we face the issue head on – we don’t try and step round the problem or spin it positively, we just say it how it is – and then state that even though we have the problem we really are not a bad person and are proud of ourselves for who we are (even though we aren’t perfect – we’re OK!).
Put very simply…
Meridian lines are the energy lines that run through the body, which have the ability to affect our stored memories. When we have good memories – that is fantastic and we want to keep them. When we have bad memories these cause a disruption in our energy field (like a short circuit in an electrical system) which causes a negative impact on us.
This could be for example our first experience of a panic attack, our body has now learned how to ‘do’ a panic attack and that is now stored in our energy system, we need to fix the disruption and then our mind and body and emotions can work in harmony again.
Meridian energy lines flowing through the body.

For those cynics out there who need to see the science, the bodies energy systems – or aura, has been shown on camera using Kirlian photography

If you are a human being (or even an animal) then you have emotions (well most of us have) If you are feeling a negative response it is a short circuit and it is likely that EFT can help you and it certainly won’t do any harm!!
Once you have fixed your emotional short circuit you can function in peace again.
You will walk away wondering what on earth was wrong with you in the first place and pretty much unable to remember why you were feeling so bad and certainly unable to feel that bad again!