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Welcome to Birmingham EFT
The home of inner peace in the Midlands
Birmingham EFT home Page
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What is EFT?
Brief history of EFT
EFT basic principals
How do I do tapping?
EFT is a mix of well proven therapies
The difference between EFT and other therapies.
The ease of learning EFT vs. The importance of seeing a practitioner
How can EFT help me?
So how do I do EFT?
What conditions can EFT help?
PNI Psychoneuroimmunology The science of mind over matter
Epigenetics outside influences on our cells affecting our well being
How does EFT work?
EFT and the amazing brain
How can EFT improve my health?
Examples of the use of EFT
Can you prove EFT works?
Some of the big names behind EFT
EFT and the NHS
The proof that EFT will work
When EFT might not work.
EFT looks weird – why?
Why look daft tapping myself on the head?
Spiritual Questions
Why do I have to say I deeply love and accept myself?
Is EFT widely accepted?
I’m frightened of therapy
How do I get a session?
Process and cost
About Me
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