EFT is a mix of well proven therapies

EFT is a mix of well proven therapies

EFT unusually combines techniques and principals from three well-established and successful therapies,


Exposure Therapy (facing the painful fact): ―

Even though I …. (expose to trauma, see hear and feel the traumatic memory or experience as accurately as possible)…‖


CBT / Cognitive Behaviour Therapy:-

(The self-acceptance statement is an example of cognitive change, pairing exposure with acceptance)…. I deeply and completely accept myself.


Acupressure points (Acupuncture)

EFTs novelty is that it combines them with physical stimulation. Tapping or touching acupressure points lets the body and mind know they are safe,


When skilfully applied EFT can quickly apply the benefits of all three of the above to an individual’s experience and negate the negative feelings associated with it.


Exposure therapy – we find the most best way of inducing, triggering or anchoring the feeling, be it making a little mind movie of the situation, or just talking about it, but importantly, inducing the negative feelings which lead to the original problem.

CBT – acceptance of the problem leads to cognitive shift allowing a more relaxed and positive view to be taken and therefore work to be done.

Tapping acupressure points – the simple answer here is that nobody really knows how or why this works, however, there have been some extremely intelligent people putting forward some highly educated theories, and research is constantly being done and theories being proven, or supported on an on-going basis.

It has been known for 1000’s of years, by nations across the world that the stimulation of these acupressure points works!

It is thought that there may be a piezoelectric type effect, like an electronic lighter, as the quartz crystal is compressed it releases a small electrical charge, and so might the compression of the cells in the body as we tap release a piezoelectric charge into the appropriate meridian/energy channels. That charge then reaches the brain, causing relaxing hormones (oxytocin) to be released, overpowering the stress hormones (cortisol/adrenaline), according to Dawson Church http://dawsonchurch.com/vitae/, even having an upregulation of immunity genes and downregulation of inflammation genes and an epigenetic effect on our genes with the ability to, over time and with persistence, cause changes in our physical body.