The ease of learning EFT vs. The importance of seeing a practitioner

The ease of learning EFT vs. The importance of seeing a practitioner

What is the difference between buffing the scratch and a full classic restoration?

It is fair to say that you can be taught the basics of EFT inside of 5 minutes.

For example this is working very well in Africa, being renamed as TTT  and taught to thousands of refugees who are experiencing PTSD from genocide. They can learn and teach it from peer to peer and it is spreading fast and helping lives by the 1000.

I can teach you EFT, what to do, and what to say in under 5 minutes, it is a very simple technique.

That is why I liken EFT to a renovation, anyone can learn to buff a scratch in a couple of minutes, the item will look better and that effect should last.

It is much harder to fully investigate the situation you are in, then they can apply something to fit the place you are at from their well learned toolbox of techniques to iron out all your life challenges and render you a happy peaceful person.

Everyone who practices EFT, is renovating, and is at some point on the scale between scratch buffer and Classic restorer!!

In the West we like to complicate life, we have complicated work, social, family relationships, made even more complicated in recent years by technology. We have a myriad of emotions which can represent 100’s of different feelings affecting us in many many different ways, and to properly get to the bottom of issues and challenges that life throws at us will usually take a bit of digging, and an outside overview and input to really get to the bottom of all the issues.

It is sad when a technique as powerful EFT is dismissed because it has been demonstrated without full understanding of how to use it.

So yes, if you have real problems, look to seek professional help and they will really be solved.