PNI Psychoneuroimmunology The science of mind over matter

PNI Psychoneuroimmunology The science of mind over matter


The Science of Psychoneuroimmunology is related to the study of epigenetics

The relatively new science of Psychoneuroimmunology is developing stronger and stronger proof that state of mind will affect physical well-being.

For thousands of years natural healing methods have known that this is the case, but as we know in this day and age unless science can actually prove it, only a handful will actually believe it.

Since the beginning of the human race man has suspected that thoughts and emotions can shape physical well-being, it is talked about in the bible to watch your thoughts because they can manifest. The need for the body to be in balance was first suggested in the late 1800’s by Claude Bernard  “one of the greatest of all men of science” and over the next 100 years scientists came to realise that thoughts had an effect on this balance. The term psychoneuroimmunology was first used in 1975.

It is thought that the main effect is on immunity, and the disturbance of the immune system allows the manifestation of undesirable conditions. The basic principal is that relief of stress allows the immune system to regain strength and work to destroy the undesirable conditions.

With the development of the science of Psychoneuroimmunology will come an understanding of the general populous that they need to look after their mind as much as their body.

EFT offers the perfect opportunity to do this.

What is Psychoneuroimmunology?

Further history of PNI

A great example is this letter to the House of commons explaining the importance of positive reinforcement for cancer patients

LG Walker is the man responsible for this research